Breakfast. Most important meal of the day.

img_4329I get so tired of thinking of what to eat for breakfast.  I always start out with a banana and water before I workout. But then what?  I need post workout fuel for the rest of the morning.  I’ve done all manner of eggs – hard boiled, cooked all different ways, egg muffins, and whatever to go along with it – coffee, smoothie, more water.  And of course, oatmeal  – I can also do oatmeal six ways til Sunday.  Right now I’m stuck on stove-cooked oatmeal with cinnamon, sliced almonds, and a dab of honey.  But back to the egg thing.  Here’s one recipe that (like egg muffins) you can make ahead of time (like Sunday) and it will probably last you all week.  If you live alone, then maybe freeze half.

Fast and Fabulous Egg Casserole – of course, change out what you need to.  I often substitute the flour with coconut flour, and use jalapeno peppers and chile peppers instead of canned chile peppers, but do it how it works for you.

What is your go-to healthy breakfast?  Share some ideas please!